© 2024 LC Packaging  |  Last reviewed - April 2024




Ensure recognition by the
highest ranked institutions and our stakeholders

Foster collaboration
to initiate a sustainable transition

Meet all sustainable packaging criteria

What? Our approach 
A three-step plan to achieve our goals 

Be a leader in sustainable packaging.


To work in such a way, we do not limit the next generation in the choices they want to make or the resources they have available.

Our motivation 
Contribute to a world without waste 
Global agenda 
Global Sustainable Development Goals 

LC Packaging’s purpose is to contribute to a world without waste: the waste of valuable products during storage and transportation and packaging waste. 

We want to work in such a way we do not limit the next generation in the choices they want to make or the resources they have available. We believe we can make that impact by making it our mission to be a leader in sustainable packaging.

To become that leader we aim to meet all sustainable packaging criteria, foster collaboration to initiate our sustainable transition, and ensure recognition by the highest ranked institutions and our stakeholders.

LC Packaging’s 2030 Ambition has been mapped against the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In our daily operations, we directly contribute to 4 of the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), defined by the United Nations in 2015. Indirectly, we touch upon 16 out of 17 SDGs. 

We identified three global issues that urgently need to be addressed and where our company can make a major impact: Working poverty, Waste and pollution, and Climate change.

We have translated these issues into ambitious goals that we aim to achieve no later than 2030. With these goals we contribute to the global sustainability agenda (SDGs) and increase the social and environmental value of our packaging, allowing us to contribute to a world without waste.

In 2021, LC Packaging was part of the first batch of companies worldwide to participate in the SDG Ambition Accelerator Programme, organised by the United Nations Global Compact. 

Watch our 2030
Our 2030 goals 

As a family company, having celebrated our 100th birthday in 2023, sustainability is in our DNA. LC Packaging is frontrunner and the only FIBC producer with an SA8000 certified production facility and an EcoVadis Platinum CSR rating.  

To truly make an impact and make the world a better place for future generations, we strive to be a leader in sustainable packaging. As such, we have committed ourselves to fostering collaboration and fighting working poverty in our supply chain, acting on climate change and delivering the circular economy. You can read all about our 2030 Ambition below. You are invited to join!

Lucas Lammers
CEO LC Packaging

Every day, valuable products and resources are lost on their journey through the supply chain. As a manufacturer and distributor of flexible transport packaging, we protect valuable goods from going to waste during transportation and storage. Safeguarding their economic, environmental and social investment. We can also design our packaging in such a way as to eliminate packaging waste and other negative environmental and social impacts related to our packaging.

What is our contribution to the world? Our vision should not be about what we want to achieve as a company, but about how our company can add value to society. At LC Packaging, we are at a crossroad in our journey and we have decided to embed sustainability into our core business and embrace our purpose: Contribute to a world without waste.

to purpose
From compliance
GRI 102-14
Message from the CEO 
Our contribution to
a world without waste

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© 2024 LC Packaging  |  Last reviewed - April 2024




Ensure recognition by the highest ranked institutions and our stakeholders

Foster collaboration
to initiate a sustainable transition

Meet all sustainable packaging criteria

Our approach
A three-step plan to achieve our goals 

Be a leader in sustainable packaging.


To work in such a way, we do not limit the next generation in the choices they want to make or the resources they have available.

LC Packaging’s purpose is to contribute to a world without waste: the waste of valuable products during storage and transportation and packaging waste. 

We want to work in such a way we do not limit the next generation in the choices they want to make or the resources they have available. We believe we can make that impact by making it our mission to be a leader in sustainable packaging.

To become that leader we aim to meet all sustainable packaging criteria, foster collaboration to initiate our sustainable transition, and ensure recognition by the highest ranked institutions and our stakeholders.

Our motivation 
Contribute to a world without waste 

LC Packaging’s 2030 Ambition has been mapped against the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In our daily operations, we directly contribute to 4 of the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), defined by the United Nations in 2015. Indirectly, we touch upon 16 out of 17 SDGs. 

Global agenda 
Global Sustainable Development Goals 

We identified three global issues that urgently need to be addressed and where our company can make a major impact: Working poverty, Waste and pollution, and Climate change.

We have translated these issues into ambitious goals that we aim to achieve no later than 2030. With these goals we contribute to the global sustainability agenda (SDGs) and increase the social and environmental value of our packaging, allowing us to contribute to a world without waste.

In 2021, LC Packaging was part of the first batch of companies worldwide to participate in the SDG Ambition Accelerator Programme, organised by the United Nations Global Compact. 

Our 2030 goals 
Watch our 2030

As a family company, having celebrated our 100th birthday in 2023, sustainability is in our DNA. LC Packaging is frontrunner and the only FIBC producer with an SA8000 certified production facility and an EcoVadis Platinum CSR rating.  

To truly make an impact and make the world a better place for future generations, we strive to be a leader in sustainable packaging. As such, we have committed ourselves to fostering collaboration and fighting working poverty in our supply chain, acting on climate change and delivering the circular economy. You can read all about our 2030 Ambition below. You are invited to join!

Lucas Lammers
CEO LC Packaging

Every day, valuable products and resources are lost on their journey through the supply chain. As a manufacturer and distributor of flexible transport packaging, we protect valuable goods from going to waste during transportation and storage. Safeguarding their economic, environmental and social investment. We can also design our packaging in such a way as to eliminate packaging waste and other negative environmental and social impacts related to our packaging.

What is our contribution to the world? Our vision should not be about what we want to achieve as a company, but about how our company can add value to society. At LC Packaging, we are at a crossroad in our journey and we have decided to embed sustainability into our core business and embrace our purpose: Contribute to a world without waste.

GRI 102-14
to purpose
From compliance
Message from the CEO 
Our contribution to
a world without waste